Ontdek alles over Lyv en blijf op de hoogte van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in energiemanagement. Lees onze blogs, nieuwsartikelen en uitgebreide kennisartikelen of bekijk de antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen in onze FAQ-sectie.
Purmerend, 13-12-2024
De redactie van Solar Magazine spreekt in elke editie met een bedrijf of kennisinstituut – een ondernemer of wetenschapper – die eerder een grote ambitie uitsprak. Wat is ervan terechtgekomen? Is het een succes geworden of juist mislukt? Deze keer spreken ze met Brendan de Graaf van Lyv Smart Energy Systems, dat al in 2014 begon met de ontwikkeling van een geavanceerd energiemanagementsysteem en daarmee zijn tijd ver vooruit was.
Purmerend, 21-11-2024
Op 19 November was de Lyv Batterijendag 2024. In Eemnes kwam een grote groep geïnteresseerden in C&I batterijen bij elkaar. Experts namen de aanwezigen mee in onderwerpen al selectie , contracten, PGS37 en verzekeringen rond batterijen. Tevens waren er een aantal C&I batterijen op locatie en te bezichtigen. We kijken terug op een mooi event waarvan u een impressie kunt u zien in het filmpje.
Purmerend, 02-02-2024
Een mooi moment vandaag in Purmerend. Lyv leverde namelijk een batterij aan Censo van 215 kWh en het energiemanagementsysteem van Lyv wordt ingezet om de batterij aan te sturen. De diensten Lyv Monitoring en Local Load Control (LLC) zijn afgenomen. Lyv Monitoring om relevante energiedata op te halen dat de basis is voor verdere optimalisatie en Local Load Control (LLC) om peak shaving te kunnen toepassen in combinatie met de geleverde batterij.
Blaricum, 26-9-2023
Just before the summer, Lyv was the first in Europe to announce that it would add Dyness batteries to its range for the business market. And now Lyv is an official preferred supplier of Dyness. In this partnership, Lyv is able to help companies faster and better with battery systems with a large storage capacity and of very high quality. Moreover, the business case for companies is rather positive.
Blaricum, 7-6-2023
During the SNEC Expo in Shanghai, Dyness launched two new battery systems in its home country China on May 25, and today Lyv is doing so in the Netherlands. Lyv is the first in Europe to supply the battery system. Good to know: Before Lyv adds products to the product range, we subject the suppliers to strict quality and compatibility requirements. We do this to ensure that customers get the best products available in the market.
Blaricum, 8-5-2023
Problemen door netcongestie zijn een hoofpijndossier voor vele bedrijven in Nederland. Het groeipotentieel kan niet worden benut of bedrijven worden geremd in de aanleg van zonnepanelen. Dat kon niet langer vond de goed georganiseerde parkmanagementorganisatie van Bedrijvenpark Pannenweg in Nederweert. Het project dat werd opgestart om de problemen op te lossen is het eerste in Nederland dat op deze manier effectief netcongestie te lijf gaat.
>> Lees het volledige persbericht
Blaricum, 17-3-2022
Voor nadere kennismaking met ons bedrijf en producten nodigen wij u van harte uit op de aankomende beurs:
Van dinsdag 12 t/m donderdag 14 april 2022 neemt Lyv deel aan vakbeurs Solar Solutions International in Expo Haarlemmermeer. Solar Solutions International is de grootste vakbeurs voor zonne-energie in Noordwest-Europa.
Bezoek ons op stand IA3. Graag bieden wij u een gratis ticket aan. U kunt dit bestellen via
Blaricum, 7-3-2022
Nederland kampt met overvolle elektriciteitsnetten. In de ene hoek van het land kan er geen zonnepaneel meer bij, in de andere hoek kunnen bedrijven niet worden aangesloten. En zelfs de bouw van huizen dreigt spaak te lopen omdat de stroomkabels niet op tijd de grond in kunnen. Maar met wat slimmigheid blijkt toch veel meer mogelijk. Lees verder…
Blaricum, 12-1-2022
Op 12-1-2022 lanceerde Lyv een nieuwe site. De site is geheel vernieuwd. Producten en diensten zijn gegroepeerd onder de Bedrijven, Particulieren, en Community. Onder de betreffende doelgroep zijn de producten nader uitgewerkt. Er is specifiek aandacht besteedt de verschillende diensten die Lyv aanbiedt Lyv Solutions. Nieuw is ook een Knowledge afdeling die gevuld gaat worden met informatie over transitie naar een duurzaam energiesysteem en de uitdagingen die daaruit voortkomen, en natuurlijk ook oplossingen.
Blaricum, 5-10-2021
Thanks to money from impact investor Goeie Grutten and a private investor, the developer of modern battery systems Lyv is able to accelerate the launch of its products. With this, Goeie Grutten and Lyv want to make an important contribution to the energy transition.
Lyv produces an advanced energy management system (EMS) that can be used to control batteries, boilers and heat pumps. By switching the devices on and off at the right time, overloading of the power grid can be prevented. In this way, more solar panels and heat pumps can be connected to the grid, without the need to strenghten the network. At the same time, the system can respond to the electricity price and thus save costs for the owner.
Insight into energy flows
Electrical devices still have to be managed with their own commands. Lyv develops electronic 'interpreters' that convert these commands into a uniform language, so that users can easily add their devices to the management system. Lyv thus creates insight into the energy flows in a house, company or neighbourhood. Based on this insight, the system itself can determine when, for example, a battery can best be charged or discharged. The system then looks at when other devices, such as boilers and heat pumps, can be used in such a way that they also help to prevent power surpluses and shortages on the grid. And with the help of the Financial Optimization Program, appliances are switched on when the electricity price is low, which is often the case with electricity surpluses.
Experience with batteries
To realize a smart energy system, Lyv supplies complete packages, from software to meters and switches that work together with the Lyv EMS. Thanks to Lyv's focus on batteries, the company has gained a lot of experience with this in recent years. For example, neighborhood and home batteries have been tested in practice, and Lyv has set up its own center for testing batteries. Lyv not only supplies the batteries, but can also install them together with partners, possibly in combination with solar panels. Lyv can thus accelerate the energy transition in the personal domain as well as in the business community and for governments.
The rapid advance of wind and solar energy is increasingly causing power grids to become overloaded. The urgency of these problems, and with it the solutions, is widely felt. Lyv was founded to realize these kinds of solutions. In order to enable an accelerated growth of Lyv, we looked for investors who fit in with the social and sustainable principles of the company. The objective of Impact Fonds Goeie Grutten, which focuses in particular on a sustainable energy transition and worldwide availability of responsible food, fits in seamlessly with this, as do the motives of the private investor. Lyv will use the fresh capital to expand the team and accelerate services to market. No further announcement is made about the amount of the investment.
Before these new investors, InnoEnergy had joined Lyv in 2020 as the first investor.
For more information: Info@getlyv.com Info@getlyv.com
More about the Goeie Grutten Impact Fonds: https://goeiegruttenif.nl/
Lyv installed solar panels and batteries at a location of the Staedion housing corporation. This energy management solution contributes to the acceleration of the energy transition.
October 2020
Lyv helps Greenchoice with Peak Shaving.
August 2020
As with many people, at Vincents home the inverter of the solar panels switches off on sunny days. Lyv can solve this problem, also for Vincent. Read on...
July 2020
To investigate whether Peak Shaving is financially interesting for De Zeven Linden, Lyv has conducted a study into the costs of the power connection. The aim of this research was to see whether the network connection costs could be reduced. Network connection costs are the fixed costs of having a network connection. Read more about peak shaving....
July 2020
Lyv will help Dijkstra Draisma in developing an energy model for an energy-efficient house. This energy-efficient house should itself generate as much energy as possible. The goal is to maximize the use of self-produced energy.
June 2020
The Lyv platform will be expanded with TNO software to realize an integrated, future-proof energy management platform. Read more about the Lyv platform……
June 2020
Nieuwestroom provides a fully transparent Dynamic Pricing solution. This Dynamic Pricing concept is expanded through the Lyv platform, which makes it possible not only to read the smart meter, but also to have self-steering flexible power consumption (VPP). Read more about the Lyv platform……
May 2020
Lely is an innovative global player in solutions and services for livestock farmers. Lely wants to help livestock farmers to become energy neutral with the Lyv platform.
April 2020 Blaricum
The Lyv Masterclass Battery Storage is a well-known phenomenon that is well attended. Due to the limited space, we unfortunately had to disappoint a large number of potential participants. The Masterclass clearly meets a need and Lyv will certainly continue this after the Corona era.
March 2020
Brendan de Graaf participates as a member of the advisory board of the TKI Multi-year Mission-driven innovation program at TKI Urban Energy.
March 2020
120 batteries that will contribute to the energy transition have arrived in the port of Rotterdam. With these batteries, more green energy can be used, or a shortage of green energy can be solved at a later date.
February 2020
Lessons learned from the unruly practice of unlocking energy flexibility
The Lyv project is described in chapter 6 “Region on Energy”. The Smart Grid project consists of 1000 connections, renewable energy sources and local and central batteries. Given the scale, this is an unique project.
Read more Read more about practical experiences in the TKI Urban Energy report.
30 november
What is the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt hour and why is that relevant?
A battery? But we don't have any renewable energy left, do we?
Why don't you want to place a 1-phase home battery in a 3-phase network?
Why would you want to install a home or neighborhood battery at all?
How many batteries do I need for seasonal storage?
Do you take an aspirin for the headache or do you remove the cause?
There is a lot of unclarity in the wonderful world of energy storage. As a expert in the field of energy management and battery storage, Lyv felt prompted by this lack of clarity to organize a day to provide insight into battery storage and the role of storage in the energy transition. Questions about these issues, or rather the answers to these questions, were the focus on November 30 with the Battery Storage Masterclass.
This masterclass was a big success. The large number of registrations forced us to disappoint many people. We are considering organizing a masterclass every quarter.
October 2019
Lyv was present on the TBB business booster in Paris. More than 150 innovative sustainable energy solutions were shown on this business booster. Lyv was part of this with the Lyv Platform.
Read more about TBB the business booster here.
October 2019
Lyv develops new smart energy service models in England! As the winner of the #DREEAMH2020 competition, Lyv maps out the added value and practical considerations surrounding advanced energy services for the English affordable housing market. The feasibility study of Lyv Smart Living will be completed at the end of April. Read more about the #DREEAMH2020 project.
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