The solution for companies and industrial estates that have problems due to grid congestion
An Energy hub is a partnership in a geographically defined area between a group of consumers (companies, organisations and sometimes individuals) and producers to optimise the use of electricity. The optimisation can be aimed at better utilisation of the electricity network or the purchase and sale of electricity. If other products, such as heat, are used for optimisation, this is also called a multi-commodity hub.
At the moment, companies are struggling with problems due to grid congestion. With the congested network, a new or larger connection in these grid congestion areas is no longer possible to take (more) power or feed it in. The growth of a company or sustainability is coming to a standstill. An energy hub can solve the problems by controlling capacity. The total capacity of the collective can then be used and distributed intelligently so that overloading of the network is prevented and companies can still grow and become more sustainable.
It is also possible to optimize the trade in electricity. For example, dynamic rates or imbalances are controlled. To make this possible, there must be a contract that enables this trade. A trading platform can also be used to unlock the value of smart control. The condition is that there must be sufficient capacity on the network, or network comes before trade.
In this step-by-step plan we describe the entire process to create an energy hub and what the role of Lyv is.
A board is needed to issue and manage the order for the Energy Hub. Before the Energy Hub is formalized, an association of entrepreneurs or a government can take the initiative to bring participants together and create an Energy Hub. The initiators can then issue the first order to start step 2.
Blijf op de hoogte van actualiteiten en ontwikkelingen over netcongestie, energiemanagement en batterijen
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